Tuesday 18 December 2012

Final tests - 18/12/2012

Here is a lip syncing test of The main Character's mum. She is saying that "Tea is ready".

Here is a test of the main character; Jimmy Pea, playing on a video game in his bedroom.

final animations tests - 17/12/2012

Window test 2 with hand drawn style effect.

Window test 3 with neat line tool effect

Earth move test 2 live action texture style

15/12/2012 - Mood Boards

Here are my two contrasting mood boards.

Sunday 16 December 2012

16/12/2012 - storyboards

Below are the four pages of the finished storyboards, where i have also indicated the sound effects for each clip as well as a brief description of what is also happening in that scene.

Friday 14 December 2012

influences for idea - Super 8 - 14/12/2012

A film that has inspired me for my story line idea is a live action with 3D film called 'Super 8'. This film relates to my idea of monsters/aliens coming out of the ground because in this film, an alien from a different planet has made his habitat underneath a town. However, my idea differs in the fact that I will be using monsters and not aliens and they will look entirely different to the alien used in the film of Super 8.

14/12/2012 - Final Written Treatments

Long Treatment
Two Strange unearthly creatures, risen from a grey alien underground world, searching for food on the surface, no home is safe. Freshly baked goods attract the unwanted. Warm bright colours of the landscape are threatened by dark sinister shades that are emitted by them.

Abstract Treatment
Monstrous, Desperation, Dwelling, Thieving

Thursday 13 December 2012


Today I have been doing the last of my animation tests, ready to stick together with the rest of my tests to make a 10-20 second long movie file.

I have also been finishing my powerpoint, ready for tomorrows presentation.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Animation Test - 12/12/2012

This is another animation test i did, where one of the monsters is opening a window.

Sunday 9 December 2012


I started my powerpoint presentation, ready for fridays presentation during our usual lecture time.

Saturday 8 December 2012

8/12/2012 - Final Character Model Sheets

I finished rendering the three main characters for my animation.

Above is the first of the two monsters that appears out of the ground on my storyboard and anamatic, this character is the leader of the two and is easy to tell because of the features making him a bit more menacing and evil looking compared to the character below.

This character above is the second monster to climb out of the underground world from my storyboard and anamatic. He is less evil from the first character and is rather timid in comparison.

Above is my main character who spots the two creatures in his kitchen during my anamatic and storyboard. This character is quite a geeky person and stands out from the crowds at school, he has a couple of friends, who are also as nerdy as him and are all picked on at school quite often.

Friday 7 December 2012


I have been rendering my final three character model sheets today using Adobe Photosop and a Wacom Tablet. This includes my main teenager character named 'Jimmy Pea' and the two monster/goblin looking creatures from the underground world.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Thursday 29 November 2012

29/11/2012 - Animation Tests

Today I did some animation tests including the earth digging up to reveal the 'Snoochers' and a scream by the main character after he spots one in his kitchen.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Sunday 25 November 2012

Background Designs - 25/11/2012

I drew this background scene using Adobe Flash.

This is the house in which will be where the animation is based.
The style that I have gone for expresses a cartoony look and bright colours which is an effect in which I really like and will stick with throughout this project.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Sunday 18 November 2012

Final Monster Character designs - 18/11/2012

I completed the character model sheets for both of my monster characters.
I have decided not to name each one individually, but the name for their type of monster is called as 'Snoocher'.
I will also later on use Adobe Photoshop to render these sheets to determine which colours suit them best.

Saturday 17 November 2012


I started doing my storyboards today and used a template sheet 16:9 small sized boxes for my drawings.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Final character Design - 13/11/2012

I finished my character design for my main human character of which I have decided to give him the Name of Jimmy Pea.
Here is a charcter model sheet showing a side pose, straight on and a three quarters pose.
I will colour in this character sheet using Adobe Photoshop to determine which colours would look best on this character.

Friday 9 November 2012

Intial Written Treatment - 9/11/2012

Long Treatment:
Two Strange unearthly creatures, risen from an alien underground world, searching for food on the surface, no home is safe. Freshly baked goods attract the unwanted, windows left unlocked is a invitation. Warm bright colours of the landscape are threatened by dark sinister shades that are emitted by them.
Abstract Treatment:
Monstrous, Desperation, Dwelling, Lurking, Crafty, Thieving

Monday 5 November 2012

5/11/2012 - My style

My animation style will be of that similar to the TV series known as 'Family Guy'. I really like the look of Family Guy and I believe that my story will be best presented using this animation look and technique (which is 2D hand drawn). I like the bold and clean look of Family Guy and I will try to apply the similar look into my animation, maybe using the line tool in Adobe Flash instead of using the paint brush tool for the clean black outline line effect. I also really like the colours used in this TV series so will take this into consideration when doing my character and background designs.

More Character Ideas - 5/11/2012

Here are some more Character ideas for other characters that could be used in my animation.

Saturday 3 November 2012

3/11/2012 - Monster Character Ideas

Here are some initial ideas of what my monsters that live underground could look like. My favourite from the three in this picture would be the end one on the right because it seems more sinister and as though it would live in dark places.
I will develop further this character and produce two main monster characters for this animation.

Friday 2 November 2012

2/11/2012 - Main character face Designs

Before I can think about what my character will look like, I want to do a few designs of the face and shape. So below is a sheet of experiments into what my main characters face could look like. My favourite design is the one right on the far right at the bottom.

2/11/2012 - Main Character Ideas

Today I started drawing some rough character designs for one of the main human characters.
I want my character to look more geeky than others and stand out from the crowd at school with his unique look and style of clothing.

Influences for idea - The Borrowers - 2/11/2012

Another film which has inspired story line idea for this assignment is the film called 'The Borrowers' which is about little people that in people houses (that generally live under the ground) and come out to borrow food and household items without the owners knowing. This relates to my idea because of inhuman things stealing food etc from houses rather like the concept of what the monsters do in my animation idea.

Saturday 27 October 2012


Today, I have been developing story ideas for this project and have come up with an idea about a short animation on monsters that live underground and come up to the surface for food.
I will be making a short storyboard and Anamatic for a certain scene of my animation and I will be producing  a range of different animation tests to see what the animation could look like.

Lecture - 19/10/12

On the 19th of October, Our lecture consisted of reading through short treatments and creating pictures relating to the writing. First off, our task was to create a character using Google images and Adobe Photoshop to cut out and make using collage, where the character was based on a more evil than good character.
Our next task was to create a landscape relating to the written treatment, which was a wrecked landscape that had been destroyed due to industry, so we had to make it look gloomy and dark.

Friday 26 October 2012

Lecture - 26/10/12

In yesterdays lecture, we were shown examples of different types of storyboards, ranging from detailed (full) storyboards to small (thumbnail) storyboard pictures. I found out that for this project, any type of image would be substantial to hand in, but I would prefer to hand in more detailed and complex pictures rather than simple ones. This is because I want to show all the detail I will be putting into my final animation, and so that I can get a rough feel of what the final outcome will look like.
We were also shown a documentary on the making of 'Creature Comforts' at 'Aardman Studios' which was really interesting to watch, especially for me as my speciality lies with stop motion.

Friday 12 October 2012

lecture - 12/10/2012

Today in our second week's lecture we did some contrasting storyboards using short treatmeants to refrence from.
we also watched several short animationed films and wrote short treaments about those clips and shared our writing in the class.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

First Lecture - 10/10/12

My first lecture on the module 'Research and development for animation' started on the date 5/10/2012 in Harmer, room 2302 where we had a lecture from our tutor 'Melvyn Ternan' who highlighted the project brief as well as showing video examples of why this module is so vital in terms of how it helps us students learn the theory behind producing great looking piece's of work that sustain both a good storyline and structure.